Correct Production

We are based on a standardized production that prioritizes food safety with milk obtained from the farms of our local producers and analyzed for quality, ensuring animal welfare and proper nutrition.

Quality Process

Our expert food engineers regularly check that the raw material and the final product comply with production standards. We offer for sale products that undergo a detailed examination from all analysis reports of milk and cheese to product labels.


We are based on a production modeling that is always human, environment and quality-oriented, protects natural resources and uses them in the most efficient way. We prevent environmental pollution by following scientific research without compromising quality and food safety under any circumstances, and we raise awareness of our producers and consumers within the scope of environmental policy. We are moving forward with solutions that reduce carbon and water footprint.

Why Leader Agro Products?

Ana Sayfa'da keçiyi okşayan bir kadın.


Olive Oil


As a result of our cooperation with the producer associations in the region, the Provincial and District Directorates of Agriculture, and most importantly, with experienced generations who have been producing for centuries; we obtain healthy and delicious products in the right geography.

For Wholesale Orders
Koyunlu bir kitabın ön kapağı.


Mavi bir arka planın önünde duran bir adam.
Doç. Dr. Ahmet Ferhan Savran
President of Çanakkale Sheep and Goat Breeders Union

I support Leader Agro A.Ş., which has many years of experience in overseas product development and sales, in its efforts to develop processing and sales models for dairy products in Çanakkale and our region. I will always do our best to provide support as Çanakkale Region Sheep and Goat Breeders Association, including academics, to ensure the success of the process.

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